This time of year, we celebrate the gift of salvation that God has given to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God in the flesh. What a wonderful expression of God’s boundless love for we who have done nothing to deserve this amazing grace. Certainly, this is the greatest manifestation of God’s goodness and love; something we should thank Him for every day.
As we do thank and praise God for His gracious gift of salvation, we sometimes may overlook the kindness and mercy that He shows to us every day. He provides food and clothing and shelter for us. He provides these things even for those who have not yet believe in His Son. For those of us who are in His family, we have the comfort of knowing that He is always there for us and listens to our petitions and, indeed, knows our needs before we ask Him.
Life is filled with trials. Some experience more trials than others. Yet through these trials we have the peace of knowing that our lives are in God’s hands. Even when tremendous pain and grief cross our path, we can run to our Father for comfort and strength, knowing that these difficult moments strengthen our faith and bring us closer to the One who leads through dark times to the light and peace at the end of our earthly path.
Not all of life’s trials are big and daunting. Sometimes, just dealing with the stresses of the day can build up and burden us as though a heavy load had suddenly been dropped upon our shoulders. But as we petition God for grace, for strength, and for faithfulness; we can experience those moments when our cares and concerns fall away one by one and the burden that brought us low is softly lifted. As we look back on these moments and see clearly the hand of God lifting our burdens, we wonder why we added to our load with anxiety and fear.
God is strong and can carry any burden that the world lays upon us. We can trust that He will lead us through the dark valleys of this life. Our Father is in control…and He is good!
God’s Goodness
March 31, 2018
This time of year, we celebrate the gift of salvation that God has given to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God in the flesh. What a wonderful expression of God’s boundless love for we who have done nothing to deserve this amazing grace. Certainly, this is the greatest manifestation of God’s goodness and love; something we should thank Him for every day.
As we do thank and praise God for His gracious gift of salvation, we sometimes may overlook the kindness and mercy that He shows to us every day. He provides food and clothing and shelter for us. He provides these things even for those who have not yet believe in His Son. For those of us who are in His family, we have the comfort of knowing that He is always there for us and listens to our petitions and, indeed, knows our needs before we ask Him.
Life is filled with trials. Some experience more trials than others. Yet through these trials we have the peace of knowing that our lives are in God’s hands. Even when tremendous pain and grief cross our path, we can run to our Father for comfort and strength, knowing that these difficult moments strengthen our faith and bring us closer to the One who leads through dark times to the light and peace at the end of our earthly path.
Not all of life’s trials are big and daunting. Sometimes, just dealing with the stresses of the day can build up and burden us as though a heavy load had suddenly been dropped upon our shoulders. But as we petition God for grace, for strength, and for faithfulness; we can experience those moments when our cares and concerns fall away one by one and the burden that brought us low is softly lifted. As we look back on these moments and see clearly the hand of God lifting our burdens, we wonder why we added to our load with anxiety and fear.
God is strong and can carry any burden that the world lays upon us. We can trust that He will lead us through the dark valleys of this life. Our Father is in control…and He is good!