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A Christian Visual Novel!

We have turned our illustrated film, The Land of Darkness and Light, into a visual novel game!

Here is the link to Itch.io: The Land of Darkness and Light – Visual Novel (Kinetic)
(Be very careful about the other things available on Itch.io.)

Visual novels are story-driven games rather than typical skill or combat games (we’re not fans of video game violence). Think of it as a multi-media book; heavy on reading with pictures, sound effects, and music to enhance the experience.

Visual novels are very popular in Japan and have seen strong growth in the West over the past several years (although they’ve been popular in Russia already).

It must be said that the overwhelming majority of visual novels are not ones that Christians should be reading. They tend to focus on, and glamorize, very wicked behavior. After some thought about whether or not to enter this genre, the decision was made to put the Light of Jesus in a very, very dark place. In doing so, we’re hoping that those who like the concept behind visual novels will not have to settle for the wicked content that the world produces.

More to come in the future… ;D