Below are the sermons, by Pastor Doug Johnston, from the Sunday morning service at First Baptist Church of Redmond.
(Note: You may need to right-click on the link in order to save the .mp3 file to your computer.)
March 2015
29th: Daniel Summary: For You
22th: Daniel 12: The Shining
15th: Daniel 11: The Second Greatest Power
08th: Daniel 11: Not Going Silently
February 2015
01st: Daniel: Too Good to be True
January 2015
25th: Daniel: Behind the Scenes
18th: Daniel: Secrets from an Angel
04th: Daniel: Confession
December 2014
28th: Daniel: Astonished
07th: Daniel: The Kingdom and Dominion
November 2014
30th: Daniel: He Believed in His God
23rd: Daniel: What Are You Doing?
16th: Daniel: Break Off Your Sins
09th: Daniel: I See Four Men
02nd: Daniel: Gifts, Rewards, and Great Honor
October 2014
26th: Daniel: Have You Got What It Takes?